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Do you have a request for our Influencer & Partner department?

Request to Influencer & Partner Department Submit customer request here.

Partner request:

Cooperation requests that where sent to Customer Service by mistake will not be processed.


Do you already know our FAQ page? Many of your questions will be answered there.

If you still have questions, our Customer Service Team will be happy to help you: Send us your request here.

Please note that the processing of your request may be delayed during major sales promotions and holidays.

Mahalo for your understanding!

Submit a request

To send your request, please enter a valid e-mail address so that we can get back to you.
To send your request, a subject is needed.
Please describe your request to us. We will get back to you as soon as possible. To send your request, we need a detailed description of your request.
I hereby agree that PURELEI GmbH uses the data I have provided to contact me and I have read the privacy policy.
Please read and accept the terms and conditions as well as the privacy policy to submit your request!

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We will get back to you as soon as possible!

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Unfortunately an error has occurred. Please send us an e-mail with your request to!