Lerne Maui kennen, unsere Inspiration

Meet Maui, Our Inspiration


Laura Hock

Aloha world, 


today, I am taking you on a journey to a faraway place ... Maui! The wonderful place is the second largest Hawaiian island, also known as "The Valley Isle". By the way: Did you know all Hawaiian Islands have nicknames? 

It goes:
Oahu – The Gathering Place 
Maui – The Valley Isle
Kauai – The Garden Isle 
Hawaii Island – The Big Island
Molokai – The Friendly Isle 
Lanai – The Pineapple Isle 
Niihau – The Forbidden Isle and 
Kahoolawe – The Target Isle. 

What a wonderful place to get inspired 

Maui sweet Maui 

Our Maui Collection stands for a subtle shaded color concept and an exciting mix of different materials. Create chic and fresh summer looks with brand new designs inspired by Hawaii. 

Black sand beaches and their magic 

Have you ever traveled to a black sand beach somewhere? If not, I highly recommend putting it on your bucket list – NOW (this is an order ;)). I grew up learning a lot about volcanoes, rocks and stones, and I'm in awe with black sand beaches ever since. Because of constant volcanic activity, you can find both white sand and black sand beaches on the islands of Hawaii. 

Did I caught you daydreaming now? I hope so! There's nothing like being inspired from daydreaming, at least it's my source of creativity and how I deal with stressful situations. Traveling to Maui can be really easy ... Just close your eyes. 

Love Lauri

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