The Cornwall Surf Series: Meet Amy And The Kids
Laura Hock
This life is what you make it.
When you wake up in the morning, what is the first thing you ask yourself? Do you wish yourself 'Good morning' or think about all of the things you need to do and find yourself endlessly scrolling through social media?
This article is the first part of our amazing The Cornwall Surf Series, and even though it tells the story of a wonderful family living their life in harmony with the coast, going surfing and giving back to their environment and community, it also encourages you to reflect your routines, your work life balance and also how we might welcome a new day.
We're diving into this beautiful story and start the day with Amy asking her kids: "If it’s gonna be high tide later, was it gonna be a big high tide or not so big? (...) We could surf it!"
Home is whatever you make it.
It is the first story from our PURELEI x Cornwall project, a project I really enjoy working with and I'm sure you will love, too. The Surf Series plays in Cornwall, England, and features three different stories all with one thing in common: Surfing.
For Amy, Eli and Sennen, home means many things. Being close to the coast, the ocean. It means a place to turn to, to tend, to find refuge. Surfing. And also to be grateful and aware for the natural beauty we're surrounded by.
"Make it once. Make it well. Make it last."
Find out more about the story behind this inspiring quote and how Amy lives by this motto every day, down the beautiful beaches in Cornwall ... As we're not able to travel in these times, I enjoyed this quick escape to South West England even more. I hope you did, too! I would be so happy if you would leave your thoughts in the comment section.
I can't wait to hear from you. Stay safe!