Mahina Club Sparkling Star Edition
Chiara Lippke
It's November, autumn is soon turning into winter, it gets light later and dark earlier – all the better, because with the Mahina Club Sparkling Star Edition designed by Douglas, you'll shine as bright as the starry sky! Together with Douglas, we've designed the Hokulele Set, which is just perfect for the season of sweaters and cozy pullovers but can also be styled chicly for festive looks. We were inspired by the beauty of the night sky and the magical glow of the stars.
Hokulele [ho-ku’-le’-le], | Hawaiian n.: Hoku, a star, and lele, to fly; literally a flying star
This month, look forward to a long necklace with a textured coin that resembles a sparkling star with glittering gemstones and a radiating pattern emanating from the center. You'll also receive a double-stranded bracelet connected by a gemstone that complements your looks charmingly. Shop now.
You'll also receive a goodie on top of the beautiful jewelry set from the Sparkling Star Edition designed by Douglas: The Lash Curve Mascara by Douglas Collection highlights the radiance of your eyes and keeps you looking perfect even after long workdays or party nights.
The Lash Curve Mascara from Douglas Collection gives your lashes fantastic curl and stunning length. The high-tech formula in deep black can fully unfold its effects thanks to the cleverly curved brush: Each individual lash is perfectly defined, and the entire lash fan looks incredibly dense, long, and well-shaped after application. Another plus: The mascara can be easily removed in the evening with warm water.
The Hokulele Set is presented by the wonderful Julia, known on Instagram as xLaeta. Her cheerful demeanor brightens up any room and fits perfectly with the Sparkling Star Edition this November.
So, don't let rainy or cloudy days bring you down. Instead, sparkle with the Sparkling Star Edition, shine brightly, and illuminate day and night with your uniqueness.
In addition to the Hokulele jewelry set of necklace and bracelet, we've designed a charm for the edition that you can add to your Mahina Club Charm Bracelet. You can also enhance your look with the new Hokulele Ring and Hokulele Earrings, and combine them with more of your favorite pieces for endless styles. The ring is elastic, so you can wear it on different fingers. The Hokulele Creoles adorned with small beads will quickly become your favorites, as they elevate every outfit.