PURELEI Jewelry Life Cycle
Laura Hock
Why our jewelry pieces are made of stainless steel
There are many advantages to choosing stainless steel over other metals. Not only is it affordable, but it’s also guaranteed to last a lifetime – thanks to its scratch-resistant nature. It is our ambition to create and design jewelry pieces that are long-lasting and everyday-proof. We want them to be perfect for sunsets at the beach, traveling or lazy days with your loved ones dreaming of new horizons and adventures. Today, as we're celebrating Plastic Free July, I want to share another great advantage of stainles steel with you: It's 100% recyclable.
Stainless steel objects rarely become waste at the end of their useful life.

Did you know?
Stainless steel is one of the most recycled materials in the world. It is even recycled more than paper or glass. This is also why our jewelry pieces are already made of minimum 80% recycled stainless steel! Statistics like these always motivate me to be even more consequent when it comes to recycling. If we want to leave this planet for future generations, it is important to recycle – correctly!
Obviously, recycling reduces the need for new raw materials and can help us to keep remaining ecosystems intact instead of destroying them by looking for resources. Also, less energy is required, which again is great for our planet's future. Finally, it's one of the best ways for you to have a positive impact on our planet – it's super easy.
Love Lauri
Chiara von PURELEI - 190 days ago
Aloha, vielen Dank für Deinen Kommentar. Es freut uns sehr, dass Dir der Schmuck so gut gefällt. Bitte wende Dich mit Deinem Anliegen gerne an unseren Kundenservice, sie helfen Dir sehr gerne weiter. Herzliche Grüße
Bräuer - 190 days ago
Hallo liebes Team,habe von euch die Kette und das Armband mit den Perlen gekauft und muss feststellen das der ganze Belag runtergeht, ist das normal nach einen halben Jahr? Muss sagen ich habe es jeden Tag getragen weil ich es so schön fand. Mit freundlichen Gruß