3 Tips for More Sustainability in the Bathroom
Chiara Lippke
More Sustainability in the Bathroom – Small Steps, Big Change
Do you want to start living more sustainably, but don't know how? Don't worry, you're not alone. However, it's clear: we all need to take action. And we can all make a change, even in our daily lives – for example, in the bathroom.
In the bathroom, many resources are often unconsciously wasted – as a small start, you will receive a packet of Hand Wash Powder from everdrop as a goodie with the Mahina Club See the Good Edition for August 2023, as well as three simple but very effective tips on how to make your bathroom more sustainable:
1. Avoid Disposable Products
Disposable products in the bathroom, such as hand soap, shower gels, and creams in plastic packaging, generate large amounts of waste, are often disposed of improperly, and end up in the environment. This leads to us literally drowning in plastic waste. By 2050, plastic in our oceans is expected to exceed the total mass of all fish. That's alarming!
everdrop's refill products, such as the hand soap, focus on reusing instead of throwing away. The innovative powder form of the Hand Wash Powder turns into gel at home – saving not only single-use plastic waste but also a lot of CO₂ emissions in transport since no water needs to be transported across the country.
But it shouldn't stop with hand soap. Look around your bathroom and consider which disposable products you can replace with refill products. You can find inspiration for more sustainable alternatives on everdrop.de's website.
2. Be Mindful of Water Usage
Water is a precious resource, and the bathroom is a place where we use a lot of it. Be aware of how much water you use while showering or brushing your teeth. By turning off the tap while soaping up or brushing your teeth, you can already save a significant amount of water.
3. Stop Overdosing When Cleaning the Bathroom
On average, we spend 1.5 years of our lives in the bathroom. Making it a personal wellness experience is all the more enjoyable. Regular cleaning is part of this.
Cleaning agents in the bathroom are supposed to clean quickly and effectively. But what's the use of a clean home if overdosed and highly chemical cleaning agents destroy our overarching home – our Earth?
Even the German Environment Agency warns against overdosed cleaners, as they are so concentrated that sewage treatment plants cannot filter out all harmful substances. This allows a lot of chemicals to enter our groundwater.
Try to avoid strong "chemical products" in the form of heavy-duty cleaners in the coming period.
everdrop also aims to prevent large amounts of "unused" active ingredients from simply ending up in wastewater. The company places great importance on a balanced relationship between sustainability and performance. The everdrop bathroom cleaner tab, for example, is sufficient for everyday cleaning while being gentle on the environment and health. For more stubborn dirt or intensive cleaning, everdrop offers the power powder. This is significantly more powerful than the everyday tabs. Nevertheless, they represent a very good balance between performance and sustainability.
Achieving more sustainability in the bathroom doesn't require 180-degree changes. It's more about conscious action and small steps that can together make a big difference.