10 Möglichkeiten, gefährdete Tiere zu retten

10 Ways to Help Save Endangered Animals


Laura Hock

Aloha everyone! Loving the new Endangered Animals Collection and wondering how you can help? No worries, I’ve got you covered.

Today, I’m going to talk with you about a topic that is very dear to my heart: How all of us can help save endangered animal species – you might even have helped save wild animals in the past without noticing it. Maybe you already know of these 10 simple ways and you’re just here for a little motivation … Either way, I’m the happiest person that you’re here. 

So these are my TOP 10 easy actions you can take starting right now


Make sure to produce less waste that can’t be recycled and ends up in landfill (and eventually, ecosystems), and make waste reduction a priority. The less waste we generate, the less it harms our environment.


I know this can be really hard, so make sure if you produce waste, dispose of it properly. The good thing: responsible waste disposal is actually really easy. If you want to learn more about the impact our actions have on issues like ocean plastic, click here to learn more. 


This might sound a bit cliche, I have to admit, but it’s a fun thing to do, you don’t have to prepare much and you will feel soo so good after joining or hosting a cleanup. I switched from collecting shells at the beach to collecting ocean plastic a long time ago, and I can assure you you will feel proud of yourself! It’s also a playful way to educate kids.  


It’s crucial to support native plants, as they provide the best environment for native animal species. The endangered animals list is long, unfortunately, and you might even find an insect or bird species you don’t know of yet on the list that you can help save from extinction. 


Animal farming has an immense impact on water consumption, pollution and deforestation, and there's more and more about the consequences on the news (I’m saying one word: Amazonas). We’re obviously depending mostly on the governments on climate change laws, policies and clear objectives and targets, but we can influence supply by influencing demand. And we can … 


I mean, look, we all know that we humans are driving uncountable species to extinction, and it does bother us. But why is it though that this fact does not make it to the top list of voter concerns during elections? 

Our communities, our policies, our economy depend on the health of the natural world we live in. We depend on its health. It’s time to stop just to feel bad, but actually act upon it.So, voting definitely deserves a spot in my top ten 10 ways to help save endangered animals. 

Vote with the environment in mind, vote with endangered animals in mind. Whether it is municipal, provincial or federal, give them your voice, your voice is theirs and their voice is yours too! Ask yourself, what would endangered animals vote for if they could? You can even engage in a political party that supports animal welfare and/or helps fight the consequences of climate change.


Always keep an eye out for wild animals, endangered or not. 


Make sure you don’t purchase products made from endangered animal species! We all know that we shouldn’t buy ivory, but tortoise shells or corals too might be part of that souvenir you want to get for a loved one from your holiday. Did you know that more than 20 threatened coral species are threatened, and a few are even endangered? 


And ... 


Let me end this article on a positive note. Advocating for conservation, talking to your friends and families or setting up a blog post or an Instagram post is a great way to help too. Use our sustainability hashtag #mauopurelei on Instagram and share your cleanup pictures, favorite quotes and more! 

I can’t wait to see your images. 


1 comment

j s

julie stas - 139 days ago

Je trouve ça vraiment important qu’on en parle! Avant j’achetais des produit qui ont ete tester sur des animaux car je n’y fesais pas attention. Maintenant je regarde toujours à l’arrière du produit!

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