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In August 2024, PURELEI celebrates a significant milestone—its 8th birthday. Reflecting on these years fills us with profound gratitude. We've grown and matured together, and now it's time to embark on new paths with you and the PURELEI community, refocusing on our core values and beginning a new chapter.
Last year, our co-founder Alisa renewed her connection to the magical islands of Hawaii during a trip. She deeply contemplated how to more fully integrate the unique Hawaiian lifestyle—the Aloha Way of Life—into her daily routine and the essence of PURELEI. In this video, Alisa shares her vision with you and offers a glimpse of what to expect in the upcoming chapter.
Our focus is on what we want PURELEI to embody and what we wish to live out with you:
PURELEI represents a pure way of life. Together, we want to relish every pure moment of joy and lightness. We aim to inspire you to be your true self and explore new paths—spontaneously, authentically, purely.
Deep, genuine connections enrich and add meaning to our lives. Whether it's friendships, family ties, or casual encounters—each interaction is valuable, contributing to our lives, enriching them, and bringing happiness. PURELEI seeks to create and strengthen such unique connections. We want our community to empower each other, making the world a bit more beautiful together.
Aloha is the heartbeat that drives us. Hawaii and the Aloha spirit inspire everything we do. "Aloha" is more than a word or greeting—it embodies the Hawaiian way of life. Defined by love, peace, care, and compassion, the Aloha Way of Life signifies deep mutual respect, the pure spirit of community, and the connection between humans and nature. Let's embrace Aloha together and spread this unique lifestyle worldwide. This is what we aim to achieve together with PURELEI.
PURELEI has matured over the years. We've evolved from playful, colorful designs to a style that reflects our mature, clear, modern, and elegant identity. After months of planning, designing, and organizing, we're excited to unveil the new enhancements. The entire team has poured their hearts into these updates, offering you a new, faster, and more elegant shopping experience. Discover the start of the new PURELEI chapter:
Svenja - 240 days ago
Aloha💕 Die neue Homepage und App gefallen mir sehr gut. Ist echt toll geworden. Ich bin gespannt und freue mich auf ein neues Purelei Kapitel 🌸 Danke für die Erklärung 🩷
Katharina - 240 days ago
Ooooo wow ❤️❤️❤️❤️ die neue Gestaltung der Website ist so sooooo schön geworden ❤️❤️ man merkt eure liebe zum Detail und wie wichtig es euch selber war eine anspruchsvolle ansprechende aussagekräftige Website zu haben❤️ ich bin mir sicher das ihr damit auch noch mehr Leute die Purelei noch nicht kennen anzusprechen! Ich bin mir ganz sicher, dass auch sie sich sofort Schock verlieben werden, wie ich es schon seit fast acht Jahren tue❤️❤️ die wunderschönen detaillierten Bilder. Die Liebe zum Detail das Video von Alisa die Beschreibung des Namens und in Bezug zu Hawaii einfach nur traumhaft schön. Ich liebe es von A bis Z❤️❤️❤️ ganz liebe Grüße Katharina
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