Von Deutschland nach Hawaii Part 1

From Germany to Hawaii Part 1


Iris Hörner

Our PURELEI Adventure in Hawaii: A Journey to Paradise


As you may have heard, a few weeks ago, we organized a giveaway on Instagram for a community trip to Hawaii. The four lucky winners of this dream trip, Romy and Kathrin, as well as Celine and Celine (Lini), traveled to Hawaii together with Laura and Jenni from Team PURELEI to explore the stunning island. Curious about what happened? Then keep reading, as we, along with the four winners, take a look back at this unique dream journey.

The Journey to Paradise

After the four girls received the exciting news that they were the winners of the PURELEI Community Trip to Hawaii, they quickly packed their bags and headed to the airport. After a long flight, they finally arrived in Honolulu. The PURELEI team was already on site, and Laura and Jennifer welcomed the girls with traditional lei necklaces, which also hide in the name PURELEI.

The name PURELEI is composed of the words pure and lei and represents a pure sense of life and the world-famous Hawaiian flower necklace lei.

Together, the girls will spend the next few days following along the footsteps of PURELEI. This includes exploring Oahu, the third-largest island in Hawaii. The world's most beautiful beaches, high mountains, tropical rainforests, hikes with incredible views, and the warm weather—all of this the island offers, making it one of the most popular tourist destinations.

Aloha = Hello, Good day, Good morning, Good evening, Love, the Hawaiian way of life

The PURELEI House in Hawaii

The accommodation for the next five days was the PURELEI House in Hawaii, with breathtaking views of the azure blue sea and the sandy beach. For even more vacation vibes (if that was even necessary with this view), PURELEI-typical decor adorned the house. After everyone had arrived, explored the house, and settled into their rooms, the PURELEI Hawaii community adventure could truly begin, and participant Romy experienced her first Magic Moment.

The Magic Moment


Naming just one Magic Moment is difficult. The first Magic Moment was when I opened my eyes on the first morning and could see the red morning sky from my bed, even without my glasses. So, we jumped up right away and watched the sunrise. That was more than magic; it was a spectacle of nature in paradise.

The second Magic Moment was when we walked to the first beach through a narrow path in a typical American rural neighborhood. Passing by the most beautiful green plants, the view suddenly opened up to the sea, bordered by soft sand and the mountainous landscape. Pure goosebumps.


One Adventure After Another

The PURELEI team had prepared a diverse and exciting program for the four. Each day began with breakfast at the house or at a special food spot outside. After that, a new adventure awaited them every day.

On the first day, they headed to Kailua on the east coast of Oahu. To give the girls some relaxation after the long journey, Laura and Jenni planned a Beach Day at one of the world's most beautiful beaches, Lanikai Beach. With snacks and good spirits, they enjoyed the day on the fine sandy beach and dipped into the turquoise waters for the first time. Then they went to Waikiki, the famous district of Honolulu with a mix of surf spots, skyscrapers, and shopping opportunities.

Fun Fact: Alisa lived here during her studies!

This paradise-like first day was rounded off with a beautiful view during dinner in Waikiki.


Mahalo = Thank you



On the second day, it was all about shopping! The Moana Shopping Mall in Honolulu offers many different shops and typical Hawaiian food highlights like Shaved Ice or Poke Bowls, all of which were tried. In addition, the four winners also had free time every day to plan and decide what they wanted to do. Whether relaxing on the beach, shopping in local stores, or more adventures, the possibilities were endless, and the memories guaranteed unforgettable.

Hoaloha = Friend

A trip to the North Shore and Turtle Bay was an absolute must. The girls could experience the thrill of watching surfers at the famous Surfer Bay up close and observe majestic sea turtles in Turtle Bay. But read for yourself:

The Magic Moment


When the day finally came for us to go to Turtle Beach, I was already super excited. Would I finally see sea turtles in their natural habitat? The searching and waiting paid off, and little heads popped out of the water. Pure goosebumps, and tears welled up. I never thought we would be so lucky to see more turtles during our excursions - up close.

Nalu = Wave


Kayak Tour

Morning yoga session on Waikiki Beach: The perfect start to the day to strengthen the body and mind and enjoy the breathtaking scenery. This is what the group experienced on the fourth day of the Hawaii trip. In the afternoon, they went on a kayak tour in transparent kayaks, where the girls could snorkel and explore Hawaii's beautiful underwater world. In the evening, they enjoyed a traditional Hula show in Honolulu and a dinner with local delicacies at a typical Hawaiian Luau.

Hula = Traditional Hawaiian dance

Fun Fact:


Our butts had to be in the middle. While kayaking, we kept spinning in circles, even though we were paddling alternately. The guide then gave us the hint that our rear ends had to be in the middle of the kayak. We laughed so hard; the rest of the tour was full of laughter.


Celine L.

Fun Fact: Did you know that turtles think that all other creatures are also turtles? - No? Our guide didn't know that either, but dear Laura was "100%" sure it was true. "That's why they don't harm us." At the time Laura told us this fact, she was in a dry kayak, and I was swimming in the water, not 2 meters away from a turtle. And even though I had great respect for that turtle at the time, this experience of the trip was truly special - at that moment, I thought: I'll never get so close to a free-living sea turtle again.

The marine world around Oahu is a kaleidoscope of colors and life that fascinates both divers and snorkelers. Beneath the sparkling surface of the turquoise Pacific, colorful coral reefs hide, home to a variety of exotic fish, sea turtles, and even harmless reef sharks. The warm waters around the island are a paradise for marine life, from the small, lively clownfish to the majestic manta rays. So, there's always something to discover there!

To be continued... More adventures await the girls' group. Read how it continues in the second part of our Hawaii travel blog.

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