Discover nowThe Cornwall Surf Series: Meet Tassy
Laura Hock
Living life full force.
What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of growing up with siblings? You have someone you love to share life with. It is rewarding, and if you're lucky enough you will find the best friends in your life in your family. But it also teaches you a lot.
"Luckily for me, surfing was my thing."
In the video below, Tassy is telling us about how growing up with five siblings also taught her to focus on herself, to be able to spend time alone and finding a passion that keeps you entertained when everyone else around is busy. To me, Tassy is the epitome of someone who is living their life on their own terms. And I have to admit that there is something very beautiful and peaceful about it. Let's all focus a little bit more on ourselves and love ourselves as who we are. Less competition, more passion. Let's all be a little bit more like Tassy.
Good vibes, good life. Sometimes, it can be as easy as this (I guess).
Get to know Tassy and learn more about her life down the beaches in Cornwall here:
Which story did you enjoy the most from our PURELEI x Cornwall project? I can't wait to hear back from you. (And I can't wait to get salty again, too ... Dear beaches, i miss you).